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Amnesia is a 70% sativa strain with genetic origins in Thailand. The best females from a Thai selection process were crossed with pollen from a superb Skunk male plant. The result was then further crossed with both C99 and Jack Herer male plants before the results were crossed again. It is one of the most popular sativa-dominant strains commercially available. Amnesia has better production than pure Thai strains and also finishes flowering much quicker. Indoor-grown plants will take between 60 - 70 days of florescence and will yield between 400 - 500 gr/m2. Buds are dense and resinous and resistance to mould and pests is medium. During florescence indoors this plant will create quite a powerful odour and so air-filtering is recommended. the taste is complex, spicy and fruity with something of a Haze character to it. THC production has been measured at up to 20% with somewhat higher CBD than from pure Thai strains giving an that is effect is very cerebral and long-lasting but with some heft behind it too.


Strain: Sativa

Breeder: World of Seeds

Grow Time: 132 days

Flowering Type: Photoperiod